Last Update: July 2023
If you want to film, no matter in which country, it is required for you to get consent from local authorities. Thus, you’ll need to do some necessary paperwork and communicate to get the permits. If you don’t speak the language of said country, it can be quite an issue. Same goes for Indonesia, here in order to deal with the local authorities, it is best if you have a translator or for you to understand Bahasa Indonesia.
But worry not, as a creative agency based in Indonesia, we understand you and would like to help inform you on the general information.
Here are the common inquires that you need to know regarding INDONESIA’S FILMING PROCEDURES:
Foreign companies intending to produce films in Indonesia is obligated to do the following
1. The relevant foreign company must submit an application to the Department of Culture and Tourism, c.q. the Directorate of Film, through any Indonesian Representative Office in its respective country. The application shall have the following attachments:
a. Data of the corporation, the crews, and their positions
b. Copies of passports of the foreign personnel involved
c. Synopsis of the project to be filmed
d. Schedule and locations of shooting
e. List of equipments to be brought in to Indonesia, accompanied with statements of intention to re-export the equipments upon completion of the film production.
2. Each application is subject to administrative examination by Department of Culture and Tourism, based on which the application shall be granted or refuse. The evaluation team will be comprised of officers representing the Department of Culture and Tourism, and other related authorities.
3. In this regard, the Department of Culture and Tourism, c.q. the Directorate of Film will be the issuer of permits for filming in Indonesia, and will provide assistance during the production of the film in Indonesia.
4. Approval or refusal of such application shall be decided at the latest 7 (seven) working days after the completion of all requirements.
5. The Directorate of Film require the foreign company to be accompanied by an appointed supporting team, to ensure the smoothness of the film production.
6. The foreign company is obligated to submit a copy of the film produced to the Government of Indonesia, c.q. the Department of Culture and Tourism, to be used for non-commercial purposes only.
7. Crews of the foreign companies, while conducting activities within the jurisdiction of Indonesia, is required to respect the local norms and traditional, as well as to comply with the prevailing laws and regulations.
Hope this information can be useful.
Spin Productions is a Creative Agency based in Jakarta & Bali, Indonesia. Since 2007 we assist many global productions filming in this continent. For more info and inquiry:
