Sayaka Press

Celebrate Yourself: Period!
Women's Essential Guide to Wellness : Menstruation

The second book was launched on 23 June 2023 at Sarinah Thamrin, Jakarta.
The book titled: 'Celebrate Yourself: Period!' is sharing fun education about women's essential guide for wellness. The book is talking about menstruation. Although menstruation is an important milestone, the topic is still an uncomfortable theme to talk about freely. The book discuss and explain the menstruation cycle and women's body reproduction health. The book tries to unlock the myth about menstruation, hoping the readers can understand that menstruation is a natural process happening in a women's body, so that no one needs to feel ashamed or awkward about it.
Written by: dr. Wisniaty Condro.
ISBN: 978-623-99491-1-2. 103 pages. Book size: 20 x 20 cm.
you can get the book here: https://yoona.id/shop/